today we will be looking at how to Earn free cash by just playing games on wepointz

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To register you click here Download the app and register,  during regisration you will be asked to input invitation code, input "JNEJLU" as your invitation code to receive 1,000 point. 

Dont forget to use invitation code JNEJLU otherwise you won't get the free 1,000 points.

Input invitation code to get 1,000 point.

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You earn by playing games and inviting your friends
   Different games available to paly and earn, ensure that you don't not open the app  with vpn to avoid your account from being banned. 

  Play shooter you earn by playing game, here it automatically finds an opponent and the two of you will play by competing, who ever distroys more astroids and has the highest point will receive the winning point, though losers also earn point for playing.

You distroy astroids and rocks, avoid them hitting your space ship 

 Play time  here you download game to your device and as you paly the game every minute you receive points automatically added to your balance.

Tap time you earn by completing little task in which you collect coins and convert them to points and they are added to your balance 

Ok spin.   You spin to earn,

SURVEY you also earn points by completing survays. 


To withdraw on this app you need the minimum withdrawal of $2, payment Is to PayPal 

See article on how to create a PayPal account here 

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 You will earn cash by playing games on this app for free, no investment needed, and withdrawal can be made once the minimum withdrawal $2 is reached, also ensure you dont open the app using vpn. 

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